Essential Resources for Opioid and Fentanyl Education
Helpful Information About
Harm Reduction
Naloxone is a safe and legal medication that can save the life of someone who is overdosing.

Naloxone quickly reverses an opioid overdose. It is safe and easy to use. Anyone can legally administer it and potentially save a life. ​ Naloxone will have no effect on someone who does not have opioids in their system. It is safe to use on pregnant women and children. If you are even unsure whether someone is experiencing an opioid overdose, administer naloxone!
Source: https://narcannasalspray.ca/en/
​How to recognize an opioid overdose
A person experiencing an opioid overdose may exhibit the following signs or symptoms
Clammy, Pale Skin
Blue Lips or Skin
Pinpoint Pupils

Slow Heart Beat
Slow, irregular or stopped breathing
Unresponsive to voice or touch
​How do you respond to overdose using Naloxone?
Step 1: Shake & Shout
Step 2: Call 911
Try to wake the person up. If there is no response, grind your knuckles on the center of the person's chest for 10-15 seconds.
The Third Party Naloxone Law allows for a person other than a healthcare provider who acts in good faith to administer Naloxone to a person who is believed to be suffering from an opiate-related overdose. You must stay with the person until help arrives
Step 3: Give Naloxone
Step 4: Prepare to Give a Second Dose
Watch the video below for step by step instructions on how to administer Narcan/Naloxone.
If the person does not wake in 3 minutes, give a second dose of Naloxone.
If the person starts to breathe normally, turn them on thier side to prevent choking.
Source: Center for Disease Control (CDC)
Step 5: Stay with the Person
Naloxone wears off in 30-90 minutes. You must stay with the person until emergency services arrive. Cooperate with EMS and law enforcement.

Source: Summit County Public Health
Naloxone Availability in Summit County
Free at the Following Locations:
Summit County Public Health
Summit County Sheriff's Office
Red, White, and Blue Fire protection district
Summit Community Care Clinic Pharmacy
Free at the Following Kiosks:
Frisco Transit Center
Silverthorne Transit Center
Breckenridge Transit Center
Colorado Mountain College Dillon
Colorado Mountain College Breckenridge
Downstairs at Eric's
House of Vibes Coffee Shop
10 Mile Music Hall
Motherloaded Tavern
Available, over-the-counter, at the Following Locations:
City Market Breck, City Market Dillon, Safeway
Walmart, Walgreens
CVS inside Target